Gold Tape Question: Watch another video from the Crash Course Engineering Series and write a one paragraph summary of what you learned about engineering.
Today we analyzed a motion graph and answered questions about that graph. The different sections of the graph below can be described as the following.
A-B = Positive acceleration (Speeding Up) B-C = Constant Speed C-D = Negative Acceleration (Slowing Down) D-E = At Rest E-F = Slow Constant Speed
In class we conducted a lab in which we raced hot wheels cars vs. matchbox cars to see which ones can achieve the greatest speed going down a ramp. Tomorrow you will have a substitute and we will finish our lab on Friday.
In class we continued our discussion of frame of reference as well as derived the formula for speed from a distance vs. time graph. These are all skills we will need during our study of motion.
In class today we discussed Newton's First law of motion which simply states that "An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest until acted on by an outside force." Newton's first law is also known as the law of Inertia. Inertia is "An object's tendency to resist a change in motion." We also observed motion from different frames of reference. A frame of reference is "The perspective (position) from which you observe the motion of an object." Watch the videos below to further explore inertia as well as frame of reference. Gold Tape Question: According to Mr. P ( From Flipping Physics, not Mr. Powell) What is the best definition of mass? hint: Watch the video "Introduction to Inertia" below to find out the answer!
AuthorMr. Powell is a High School Science Teacher in Western Colorado. Archives
December 2024